Thursday, 5 May 2016

Factors to Consider When Getting Your Wheels

Important Things You Should Be Taking Note Of When Shopping For Wheels

You might have replaced your wheels recently but you are not happy at all. There was something which went wrong somewhere and that bugs you out. You are either facing difficulty while driving or the wheels simply don’t fit at all.

The thing you are worrying about is that wheel replacement never stops. This is actually a continuous activity that you have to keep doing from time to time. Thankfully, you don’t need to worry anymore as the answer is right in front of you.

Before replacing your wheels, there are three important things that you need to consider. There are certain aspects to be considered before you think about giving your car that perfect look. You must ensure that your wheels fit exactly in the way you want them to.

Checking the aspect ratio of your wheels

The ratio between the height of the metal alloy wheels' side walls and the width of the tire is known as the aspect ratio of your wheels. When a wheel is rated 300/70/20, it means that the width is 300mm, it has a 70% aspect ratio and furthermore, 20 refers to the size of the wheel to which it is fitted. When purchasing the wheels, you need to keep a look on the aspect ratio so that they are same in size to the one you replaced.

The readings are present on the wheels and this makes it much easier. At Autocraze, various measures are taken to ensure that the wheels have the right fitting with your car. In case you make the mistake of buying wheels which have lower or higher aspect ratio compared to the ones you replaced, they will start wearing out quickly and at the same time, the quality of your rides will further deteriorate.

When wheel energy is lost, the speed reduction of your car is clearly noted. You don’t want your car to lag behind others in case you are in a race. The racing wheels installed in your car should be able to speed it up whenever you put your foot down. At AutoCraze, providing you the right set of racing wheels is always top priority.

Checking the offset

Meanwhile, the distance between the centre line of the wheel and the plane of the hub-mounting surface of the metal wheel in a vehicle is known as the Wheel Offset. When the wheel’s mounting surface is in the front of the vehicle, the offset reading is zero.

When positioning the tire, wheel offset becomes very necessary. With wrong wheel offset, the steering gets stiff and you have to keep struggling in order to maintain it in a proper position. In case you wish to buy new wheels or replace them, the previous or the original wheel offset needs to be maintained in order to avoid any kind of technical glitches.

Now, the distance of the tire from its inner sidewall to its outer side wall at the widest point is the width of the wheel.  All such factors are considered at Autocraze wheels in order to bring you the utmost satisfaction on wheel purchase. 

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