Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Mag wheels get trendy

The alloys that once made the BMWs and Toyotas of the world look like nothing ever seen before are back to being in vogue...

For starters, like all things technology related, Mag wheels or Magnesium wheels are technically extinct. They’re back in terms of being ‘trendy’ and ‘cool’ but have been out of the sports car sector for quite a few years now.

Magnesium controls have been always known as an accessory that adds a certain ‘oomph and wow’ factor to any means of transport. That said and done, the looks, style and fashion element of the wheels are not its only advantages.

The magnesium wheels also have the following key advantages:

  1. Five spokes which makes them easier to replace, fix, attach and upgrade.
  2. Lighter than steel and aluminium wheels.
  3. Give the driver better mileage and driving efficiency
  4. Less prone to bending
  5. Extremely durable: When Mag wheels bend, they can easily be hammered out and fixed  
  6. Lesser overheating: As aluminium and steel wheels heat up easily, Mag wheels are less likely to increase in temperature that directly affects the smooth working of the brake pads and other automobile mechanics attached to the braking system.
  7. The aftermarket advantages are great. Resale value doubles with Mag alloy wheels.
  8. The looks are sleek, niche, unique and desirable.

Every alloy has its limits and not paying repeated attention could lead to damage and loss of function.

However, with pros come the cons and here are the downsides to spending that extra buck while switching to Mag wheels:

  1. They’re expensive!
  2. Easily flammable resulting in the banning of the wheel in certain sports.
  3. The Mag wheels are not very corrosion resistant and may not be smooth functioning on all kinds of terrains.

The increase in the purchase of Mag wheels has out sprung from a direct expansion and popularity of the wheels to other global automobile markets. The automobile marketing in China, India, Africa and other countries in the South Asian markets have doubled their consumption of alloy wheels. Racing, which is not as popular or viewed in these markets, as compared to the American and European markets have now started to spring on the culture of ‘Mag wheels’ as a trendsetter.

Countries also known to ape the West, in general, have now found a fascination in the purchase of these wheels. The fresh colours, removable and replicable bolds, hub caps and rims, available in variant sizes, shapes, colours and metals have fascinated drivers, racers and everyday vehicle owners.

Many still complain over the cost and its value-return after investment. With vehicular technology growing, the marketing of aesthetic appeal and need-based modifications are subjective and to each his own, but will always remain questionable.

Lastly, the aesthetic appeal of a vintage product never goes out of trend. Like the Vespa using the vintage two-wheeler look in modern times or the Harley maintaining its curve to hold on to its vintage and classy image, the Mag wheels have a style statement that dates back up to three decades. Thus, lending it a look and feel that could translate to the ‘First racers of time’!

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